Über Madina Simbargov
Finanzen sind der Schlüssel zur Freiheit.
Mein Ziel ist es, Ihre Finanzplanung umfassend zu gestalten und ein individuelles Konzept zu entwickeln, das Sie in allen Lebensphasen begleitet. Ich berücksichtige dabei Ihre aktuellen Ziele und Wünsche ebenso wie langfristige Bedürfnisse wie die Vorsorge für den Ruhestand. Gemeinsam entwickeln wir eine flexible Strategie, die zu Ihrem gegenwärtigen Lebensstil und Ihren zukünftigen Zielen passt. Ich freue mich darauf, Sie mit meinem Fachwissen zu unterstützen und Ihnen dabei zu helfen, finanzielle Sicherheit und Erfolg zu erlangen.
~for expatriate~
My goal is to holistically design your financial planning. Based on your desires and objectives, I will create a concept tailored to support you in every stage of life, helping you achieve your personal goals.
This financial plan is not rigid; it's designed to be adaptable and flexible. Just as your age changes, so can your aspirations and plans. For instance, when young, you might think about funding education, followed by family-building after graduation. Later on, priorities may shift to buying a home, smart financing for self-employment, and more. It's also crucial to consider future needs to maintain your standard of living in retirement, as relying solely on a traditional pension might not suffice.
Because your wishes, goals, and expectations evolve over time, having the right partner from the start is vital. Someone who consistently understands your situation, maintains regular communication, and actively reviews existing contracts to optimize them in your favor.
Together, we'll develop a strategy that aligns with your life today and your goals for tomorrow, ensuring you can achieve the best outcomes in every phase of life.
I look forward to supporting you with my expertise!